
I'm Sagar

I'm a software engineer interested in creating great experiences




I'm interested in building software that is bold and ambitious. Most recently, I'm working on InterviewSandbox.com, an app that I hope helps people get jobs using AI, instead of the opposite. There's also an opportunity to build out an autonomous interviewer that conducts first round (and more) interviews across hundreds of applications, saving time while enhancing the quality of data that is garnered in this initial stage.


Interview Sandbox

An comprehensive app for technical interviews. Write & run code, video chat, whiteboard, use AI in the form of a copilot and contextual cards. Currently building an interviewer agent that can be deployed across your applicant pool.


Worked on backend of enterprise product, Nexus Dashboard. Helped in refactoring effort, from scala to golang.


Case Management Made Simple, Quick, and Secure

Dentilink is the best software program for procuring all your case work. We sweat the logistics, so you don't have to.

Dat Ventures

A consultancy supporting clients expanding their products into the US market from Western Europe, Latin America, and Asia.

Sarepta Therapeutics

A biopharmaceutical company focused on the discover and development of precision genetic medicines to treat rare and neuromuscular diseases.

Say Hi or find me on other platforms: Linkedin & Twitter You can also find my resume here.